Podcast: Make It Then Tell Everybody
I love hearing artists talk about their work and their making processes. It is one of the reasons I studied art history in college. By the time I graduated, however, I had figured out that the artists you study in art history are pretty much all dead and they don't tend to do a lot of talking anymore (at least, not to me, although that would make for interesting yet questionable research). Fortunately, some left diaries, which is how I found out that Van Gogh was kind of a dick, which then kind of made me sad.
Nowadays, besides working at Etsy and helping makers get started on their own business, I love listening to podcasts while I draw and paint. I've recently discovered a new one to add to my playlist: 'Make It Then Tell Everybody'. In interviews of roughly an hour, cartoonist Dan Berry talks to fellow illustrators, comic artists, and designers. Conversation flows naturally, and Berry covers topics like materials, working habits, and making a living as an artist, but also discusses more theoretical topics like visual literacy, art as journalism, and authorship. All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable and interesting podcast, and I've bought a few graphic novels just from hearing the author's talk about them (reviews soon).