Journal Pages: Out & In
Last week marked out one monthiversary of living in London! It feels like it's been much longer, but at the same time we're only now starting to find something resembling a groove.
Last weekend it was time for some serious touristing around our new home town and we picked Notting Hill. Yes, from that movie with Hugh Grant. Spoiler: no we didn't see him. It was a gorgeous but cold day so we made several pit stops along the way for coffee and food and coffee and food. If you're not shaking, you need another cup, my friend.
We walked a record number of steps on Saturday (according to my fitness app) and even did a little detour to buy drop (Dutch licorice) and other necessities at the HEMA on Victoria Station. Perhaps it was the drop, or possibly the excitement of successfully pulling off a vegan zucchini cake (amazing recipe here) but Sunday was about as quiet as a Sunday can get. Oh well. Cake and a couch are all you need sometimes.
Enjoy your week, everyone!