Ice Cream Season & Fun

It’s been a busy couple of weeks with our move happening, um, well, tomorrow. 💀 Nevertheless, we found the time to hit up the ice cream shop this weekend.

It’s funny, these sorts of drawings are so much fun for me to make, but I know they don’t do very well on ‘the socials’. Everything that’s not a gag comic about parenting, just doesn’t seem to attract the same amount of views, comments, likes. And while I never have set myself a goal of growing my following on social media, I have noticed that my posting on various channels is lacking all spontaneity and directness. And since I don’t want to have to specifically sit down and brainstorm posts that’ll do well on the ‘gram while not posting what I am actually working on, I decided that would need to change.

Meaning: this blog will become more like a blog again. My socials will just have whatever I feel like. It might become more messy, and no one might read it, but i’ll be more fun. And if there’s anything I (and I would say all of us) need, it’s fun!