Journal Pages: Drama Mama
You guys, it's been a lot. These last two and a half months have been 'interesting', even though it started out just fine. I was so nervous for the Big Day - first day of nursery for Jacob, but of course he was a total rockstar. I was a little anxious to start my working life again, but of course it was great fun. And then?
Then Jacob's ear trouble returned. Fortunately, the end was in sight with a planned surgery for the end of May at one of the best children's hospitals in the world. Or so we thought. On the day itself the operation was cancelled as it turned out we had something else to worry about besides the cyst in his ear: low white blood cells, or 'neutropenia' as it is called. Invisible, and therefore, like most things invisible, to me a lot scarier. The update here is that while it's still scary, it does seem like Jacob will be fine. We're awaiting more test results, but in the mean time, anytime our little man has a fever, we need to rush back to the hospital as the low white blood cell count means he can't fight off infections at all and even a little bacterial infection can turn nasty or worse. Not the best, but never in my life have I been more grateful for free health care and above all for the kind, hard working, knowledgable nurses and doctors the NHS employs. They are all saints in my book. As is my mom, who flew out to support me (and cuddle little J) during our last stint at the hospital.
Then at work a series of changes took place that took me by surprise. Things still are very much in flux even now, and although I'm sure things will turn out ok one way or another, like a lot of change, it has been uncomfortable.
Oh and did I mention it seems like London can't seem to catch a break either?
The good news is that the doctors have cleared our ever cheerful little man for travel and so next week, we will be off to Holland for a week to celebrate my brother getting married, as well as Jochem's brother getting married (not to each other, but to two other people we very much like). Better things to come, I am sure. And hopefully the next time the universe is trying to send me a message it'll just WhatsApp me. Seriously, what's with the drama?