I ate, I ate some more, made another attempt at skiing, and am completely enthralled by the gorgeous book 'A Map of the World', Sinterklaas gave me.
Oh em gee, ef em es, it's December.
I can't even believe how fast this year has gone by, it's scary.
So, in order to keep track of time at least a little bit, I decided to do one of those 'Picturing November' posts this time around. I am totally stealing this from my infinitely more talented photographer, artist, designer, super mother and blogger friend Sabra, but I'm sure she doesn't mind.
Fall Came (& Went?)
No comment. It's pretty, yes. But still. No comment.
I really did enjoy my breakfast this month, especially when traveling. Left: breakfast at Cornucopia in Dublin - most amazing vegan food, we ate there three times that week. On the right: breakfast at Bistrot Bruno Loubet in London. Very good croissants (for London), and just the prettiest menus and place mats.
Hair Don't
Then, I decided it was time for a hair cut. I decided wrong. Here's the before & after. I am not a fan. I know everyone else in my tiny universe seems to love it or is kind enough to lie to me, but I am not a fan. Just can't get used to the bangs, man, you know? Ya feel me? I just can't handle it, dude.
There was a good amount of doodling this month. Left: my doodle. Right: my husband's more poetic doodle. Oh, just so you know: the man speaks perfect French and then does jokes. In French. Illustrated French jokes. I know. I love him, but I kind of hate him, too ;-).
If this didn't satisfy your appetite, more Instagram pics can be found right over here. Enjoy!
Am a bit behind on posting my journal pages as you can see. These past two weeks have been absolutely nuts. I travelled to London and Dublin for work (yes, my life is actually that awesome, hate me), threw a big wedding celebration with the Fantastic Mr. Floor, somehow messed up my big toe, making it ever harder to walk normally, and generally spent a lot of time feeling Very Responsible for Everything (which is a great way to spend your time. Squiggly mouth smiley face).
Anyhow - here's a drawing. Tadah!
Now go away and ignore the fact that it's almost freaking November.
Summer is definitely over now and the Dutch skies above us have switched back to those smashing shades of gray it dons most of the year. I have purchased myself a pair of new boots to replace the old ones that none of the shoe repair men (and one woman) in town could save, have dug up the winter coat (ok, it was hanging right there in the hallway, but I denied acknowledging its presence for a few months), and am dreaming of pancakes, tea, and pumpkin pie.
Also, this video is about a year old, I think, but it's magnificent. It's a dance performance by Yokoo, one of our top sellers on Etsy, creator of amazing knitted accessories and gorgeous Etsy shops. She truly is amazing. Check it out.