I'm a fan of...

Image by Li Chen

Image by Kathy MacLeod

Every morning before going to work or for hours on weekends (when I'm not being chased around the park in running gear by my husband) I go through my RSS feed (I use Feedly).  I particularly enjoy reading webcomics and some of them are really pretty fantastic, so I thought I'd share. Here are three of my favorites:

 Li Chen's drawings are carefully executed, often done in pencil, but occasionally she'll bust out an amazing semi-animated full color comic like this one. Often fantastical, the blog is an invitation into Li Chen's mind. 

 Kathy MacLeod's drawings have a very nonchalant vibe to them, but she often explores deep human emotions and isn't afraid to visualize issues like anxiety, heartache, and self-doubt in a very non-depressing way, oddly enough.  



Marloes de Vries' drawings I've featured before on this blog, but I really want to again, as they're just so pretty and I love how she's able to capture a mood or a thought in one single image. #Jealous.  



What are some of your favorite webcomics? Please do share in the comments below (I have no life and I already did my running for the day)!